Midwest Wine Press Blog

Tom Wark: Michigan; We Hate You Wine Lovers

Tom Wark: Michigan; We Hate You Wine Lovers

The headline for this story comes from Tom Wark’s Fermentation Wine Blog, which is one of nation’s largest wine blogs. (Popular wine blogs like incendiary headlines.)  Tom’s story about corkage fees in Michigan is...

Bononbo Winery Set to Open Mid-2014

Bononbo Winery Set to Open Mid-2014

The Traverse City Ticker reports that Bonobo Winery – a joint venture of Todd and Carter Oosterhouse- will be opening late spring/early summer 2104. See related story: Oosterhouse Traverse City Winery to Called Bonobo

Midwest Wine Memo

This column contains items of interest regarding Midwest Wine.  There is no information about health care reform, budget deficits or celebrities. Humidity and Wine Antioxidants Academic Wino posted an article on resveratrol which is...

Travel Down a River of Grapes

Homepage photo: Rocky Waters Vineyard in Hanover, Illinois, along the Mississippi River.  Since long before human settlement, wild grapes grew in abundance along the Mississippi River. The grape species known as Vitus Riparia- which...

NY Times Features South Dakota Wine

NY Times Features South Dakota Wine

Today, the New York Times ran a story about South Dakota and Iowa wineries.  John Eligon, who wrote the story, is the Kansas City bureau chief for the Times and a graduate of Northwestern....