Midwest Wine Press Blog

Brett Beer Big Hit at KC’s Boulevard Brewing

Brett Beer Big Hit at KC’s Boulevard Brewing

Brettanomyces yeast makes for stinky wines but good beer according to the Chicago Foodies website: “Kansas City’s Boulevard Brewing’s Saison-Brett, their saison farmhouse ale brewed with that dangerous wild yeast…it’s truly a remarkable beer.”  More...

Sainte Genevieve Winery Authentic For 30 Years

On Interstate 55 heading south from St. Louis into Missouri wine country,  there’s a clever billboard from the Missouri Wine & Grape Board imploring drivers to “Shop Local, Sip Local.”  But before there were “local” movements...

Michigan Wine is Now Pure Michigan

Glance at the cars parked at wineries like Chateau Chantal on Michigan’s Old Mission Peninsula this summer, and you’ll increasingly find plates from Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, and New York. Marketing director Marie Chantal-Dalese thinks...

Confessions of a First Time Wine Judge

Confessions of a First Time Wine Judge

This is the first column from Midwest Wine Press publisher Mark Ganchiff.   Ganchiff started Midwest Wine Press in September 2011.  He has traveled all over the Midwest during the past eight years visiting hundreds of...