Midwest Wine Press Blog

Missouri Experimental Cultivar Tasting

Missouri Experimental Cultivar Tasting

Missouri weather always seems to impede on its state’s wineries. From harsh, cold winters to potentially drought-filled summers, the weather is tough on grapes. ‘There are wines from four or five grape varieties that you will...

Demand for Sweet Reds and Whites Shows Most Growth

Demand for Sweet Reds and Whites Shows Most Growth

It looks like rapidly increasing numbers of US wine consumers have taste buds more suited to the sorts of sweeter wine styles traditionally offered across the Midwest. The Wine Institute, quoting a report by...

Wine Tax Proposed For Illinois

Wine Tax Proposed For Illinois

Illinois has been falling behind in financial support for the state’s wine industry as the Land of Lincoln’s financial situation deteriorates.  Now the Alton Daily News reports that State Rep. Mike Bost from Southern...

Herbicide Drift: Advice for Grape Growers

Herbicide Drift: Advice for Grape Growers

In the latest issue of the Northern Grapes Project Newsletter, Michael White, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Viticulture Specialist, gives detailed advice on how to guard against and deal with herbicide drift. See related...