Brad Beam’s The Winemaker’s ‘Art”
One of my favorite things about making wine is the constant interaction of art and science; the interplay of data and fact with style, aesthetic, and yes, even romance. Unfortunately, it seems like the...
One of my favorite things about making wine is the constant interaction of art and science; the interplay of data and fact with style, aesthetic, and yes, even romance. Unfortunately, it seems like the...
While most visitors to Chicago never go farther south than the lakefront museum campus, for those adventurous enough to travel approximately 80 blocks south of the Field Museum, Wild Blossom Meadery & Winery awaits....
As the Midwestern wine industry continues in its rapid growth and the production of high quality wines, it also continues to combat a long-held perception that the best U.S. wines come from California. ...
Despite intermittent rain throughout the weekend of September 24th, some wineries and artists attending the 12th Annual Southern Illinois Art and Wine Festival on the grounds of the Southern Illinois Art and Artisans Center...
Oppressive hot weather in far Southern Illinois this summer stressed white grapes in particular, said Scott Sensmeier, Owner and Vintner at Starview Vineyards, near Cobden, Illinois on the Shawnee Hills Wine Trail. According...
Vintage Illinois drew over 8,000 visitors on Saturday, September 17th according to Jill Joyce, Vintage Illinois Planning Committee member. Vintage Illinois is in its 8th year and is held annually Mattheissen State Park near...
QR codes (Quick Response Codes), like their older cousin the bar code, are becoming an increasingly common part of modern life. One creative use of the ubiquitous boxes full or squiggly lines is...