Drought Produces “Good Wine” in the Midwest
An Associated Press report by Jim Suhr about the grape harvest in the Midwest takes the angle that the severe drought could see, “standout wine from a region better known for corn and soybeans.” Also in the article, an interesting observation from the California wine establishment: Diego Meraviglia, vice president of the North American Sommelier Association, says the drought has cost some grape varieties complexities that may hinder the wines’ abilities to age, meaning “you have to drink them within a year or they’ll go bad.”
For the full report see: http://news.yahoo.com/drought-could-produce-good-wine-midwest-071409764.html?_esi=1
PS: Without the catalyst of a severe drought, the French were probably writing similar articles in the 1970s about Californian wine, something like: “standout wine from a region better known for strawberries and dried apricots.” (!)