Midwest Wine Press Blog

KC’s Amigoni Says Cab Sauv is Best In Years

KC’s Amigoni Says Cab Sauv is Best In Years

Growing vinifera in the Midwest and Cab Sauv in particular is no small achievement.   In his Regional Wine Taster blog,  Danny Wood, a frequent contributor to Midwest Wine Press,  interviews Michael Amigoni of...

Weddings and Winemaking: Via Vechhia Winery

Via Vecchia Winery in Columbus, Ohio has learned to strike a balance between maintaining an emphasis on winemaking and hosting events,  according to owner-partner, Paolo Rosi.  This urban winery is located in a historic...

Six Steps to Great Winery Customer Service

One of the student projects I assign for my Viticulture Enology Science Technology Alliance (VESTA) Tasting Room Management class is an evaluation of a winery tasting room.  The number one area my students say needs improvement in wineries...