Midwest Wine Press Blog

What’s Your Marketing Plan for 2013?

Recently,  I read a marketing article that said if the fish aren’t biting in your fishing hole, you need to either change your bait, move to a different fishing hole or change your fishing...

Kentucky Berry Wine Tradition Continues

Kentucky winemakers have found their sweet spot in the wine business – berry wines. Blackberry wine alone accounts for 20 percent of Rose Hill Farm Winery’s total sales, says owner Jenny Beetz. Rose Hill,...

2,4-D Bill Introduced in Nebraska

2,4-D Bill Introduced in Nebraska

A bill that seeks to put restrictions on the application of certain herbicides, specifically 2,4-D, is now under consideration in the Nebraska state legislature. Senator Norm Wallman, of Courtland, introduced LB 636 at the...

Jennifer Montgomery New NWGGA Director

Jennifer Montgomery New NWGGA Director

Jennifer Montgomery has joined the The Nebraska Winery and Grape Growers Association (NWGGA) as the organization’s first, full time executive director.  Jennifer comes to the NWGGA after 10 years with WineAmerica, the national trade...