Category: Michigan

Traverse City Wine Food Predictions

Traverse City Wine Food Predictions

From Traverse City based writer Andy MacFarlane and come some interesting predictions for ’14 including: 1.  The 60 person elevated deck at Brys Estate will open in ’14, as reported this summer in...

LPVA Offers Scholarships for 2014

LPVA Offers Scholarships for 2014

The Leelanau Peninsula Vintners Association (LPVA) awards annual scholarships to students interested in pursuing a certificate or associate’s degree in viticulture and/or enology via the Viticulture Enology Science and Technology Alliance (VESTA) The number...

How Climate Change is Affecting Michigan Farming

How Climate Change is Affecting Michigan Farming

From Gannett’s  The Times Herald comes a well researched story on how changes in climate are affecting farmers.   Variability of temperatures and precipitation is increasing and the results are mixed for fruit growers....

Michigan State Announces Program For Starting a Vineyard

Michigan State Announces Program For Starting a Vineyard

A wine grape establishment conference will be held by Michigan State University Extension on January 21-22, 2014. Preregistration is required by January 10. The detailed agenda and registration information may be found at This...

Forty Five North Testing Ozonated Water

Forty Five North Testing Ozonated Water

Michigan NPR recently ran a story about experiments that Forty Five North Winery in the Leelanau Peninsula of Michigan is doing with ozonated water.  See:  Northern Michigan Vineyard Experiments With New Kind of Chemical...

Tom Wark: Michigan; We Hate You Wine Lovers

Tom Wark: Michigan; We Hate You Wine Lovers

The headline for this story comes from Tom Wark’s Fermentation Wine Blog, which is one of nation’s largest wine blogs. (Popular wine blogs like incendiary headlines.)  Tom’s story about corkage fees in Michigan is...

Bononbo Winery Set to Open Mid-2014

Bononbo Winery Set to Open Mid-2014

The Traverse City Ticker reports that Bonobo Winery – a joint venture of Todd and Carter Oosterhouse- will be opening late spring/early summer 2104. See related story: Oosterhouse Traverse City Winery to Called Bonobo