Author: Mark Ganchiff

A Big Map of Midwest Wineries

A Big Map of Midwest Wineries

At Midwest Wine Press, we’ve toyed with idea of creating a comprehensive map of Midwest wineries.  But it look like a website called Map Muse is well on the way to mapping every winery...

OSU Reports Bud Kill in NE Ohio

OSU Reports Bud Kill in NE Ohio

An ominous report was released  by The Ohio State University about the damage done by this month’s sub-zero cold weather.  University researchers with OSU in Kingsville, which is located in both the Grand River and...

Will Wine Tourists Become Weed Tourists?

Will Wine Tourists Become Weed Tourists?

It will be interesting see how alcohol consumption is affected by the legalization of marijuana in Washington and Colorado.  There have been a number of stories lately about pot being better for you than...

Chilling Report On Arctic Cold Damage in Ohio

Chilling Report On Arctic Cold Damage in Ohio

According to Northern Ohio’s News Herald, this week’s arctic cold did significant damage to vineyards near Lake Erie. Hundreds of acres of vinifera wine grapes have been planted around the Great Lakes in the...

Freeze Damage Concerns In Minnesota

Freeze Damage Concerns In Minnesota

This week’s cold did not break records in Minnesota, but that does not mean that the weather did not get cold enough to kill or damage plants, including grapes. Temperatures got as low as...

Bandwagon Builds For Michigan Wine

Bandwagon Builds For Michigan Wine

Earlier this week, big time wine blogger Tom Wark came close to saying he’s excited about Michigan wine in his Fermentation wine blog. Not to be outdone,  New York Times wine writer Eric Asimov...

Traverse City Wine Food Predictions

Traverse City Wine Food Predictions

From Traverse City based writer Andy MacFarlane and come some interesting predictions for ’14 including: 1.  The 60 person elevated deck at Brys Estate will open in ’14, as reported this summer in...

Chi-Beria Today Photos

Chi-Beria Today Photos

These photos don’t have anything to do with grapes or wine.  However, after reading an editorial in today’s Chicago Tribune questioning why anyone would live here, I felt compelled to speak for those of...

Cold Weather, Dry Weather Stressing Grapes

Cold Weather, Dry Weather Stressing Grapes

John Marshall, one of the original wine grape growers in Minnesota, says the last time his grapes suffered winter injury was 1996.   The winter of 1996 was among the 20 coldest recorded winters...

Big Blogger Accepting Midwest Wines

Big Blogger Accepting Midwest Wines

Tom Wark of Fermentation wine blog fame is starting to come around to regional wine.  Although Wark is surpassed only by Blake Gray of the The Gray Report in his use of the first...