Wine Writer Likes Indiana Hybrids
Howard Hewitt, an Indiana based wine writer whose “Grape Sense” column appears in 23 newspapers in Indiana, Illinois and Michigan, recently wrote winery reviews of Carpenter Creek and Hopwood Cellars, which are in Central Indiana and north suburban Indianapolis respectively.
A running theme in Midwest Wine Press is favorable reviews of hybrid wines from a variety of sources. In his Indiana winery article, Hewitt describes both a Chardonel and a Chancellor he really likes.
There are usually one or two big wine distributors in each market that determine the majority of wine options in conjunction with the larger wine retailers. However, there are also smaller bottle stores in many towns and cities that might take a chance on an “exotic” wine if they were convinced of the demand. In other words, if you don’t see the local wines you want at the store, you gotta ask.
See: Visiting Two Different Indiana Wineries