City Winery Michigan Wine Showcase Photos
The Michigan Grape and Wine Industry Council sponsored a “Michigan Wine Showcase” on Monday, May 12 at City WInery in Chicago. Twenty five wineries were on hand to share some of Michigan’s finest award winning wines.
Over 100 wines were matched with locally sourced, seasonal food pairings. Vineyards include family operations like the Simpson family of Good Harbor Winery, third generation wine makers who have been growing and harvesting grapes for 30 years.
Good Harbor Vineyard, located on the Leelanau Peninsula, has one of the largest Pinot Grigio plantings in the state. Another showcase vineyard from the Peninsula is L Mawby. This winery exclusively produces some of the finest tasting and most affordable sparkling wines in the Midwest.
City Winery is also making wine from Michigan Grapes. Winemaker Robert Kowal, who is described on the City Winery website as a “self-identified anhedonic neo-Luddite Misanthrope,” is currently making Riesling from Michigan grapes.
All photos are by Nisha Aher.

Michigan winemakers and some of their Chicago supporters gathered at City Winery Chicago for the Michigan Wine Showcase