Demand for Sweet Reds and Whites Shows Most Growth
It looks like rapidly increasing numbers of US wine consumers have taste buds more suited to the sorts of sweeter wine styles traditionally offered across the Midwest.
The Wine Institute, quoting a report by Nieslen, says that for wine types sold in food stores and other off-premise sites, consumer demand rose the most steeply during 2012 for wines made from Muscat grapes and “domestic red blends/sweet red wines.”
Nielsen says Muscat/Moscato sales were up 33% in volume with 6% market share, and domestic red blends/sweet red wines were up 22% in volume with 5% share of market.
For the full article see: ‘2012 Wine Sales in U.S. Reach New Record: Record California Winegrape Crop to Meet Surging Demand’
I guess everyone starts somewhere?