Wine Law By the Case: Direct Shipping

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3 Responses

  1. Merry Bauman says:

    In Kansas we can ship direct, but we can also ship to in-state and retail liquor stores. Fed-Ex has a special discount on wine shipments if you are a member of a national winery organization – check with them for details. They do require a sticker and special packing – easily complied with. For online sales, we do use a third party for taking orders, but all shipments are done directly from the winery.
    We also have regulations and requirements we must follow, but it is definitely worth it – to have the business. We have a lot of visitors to the winery from other states and they love being able to ship it home to themselves instead of carry it on a plane, or order another case after they get home – in states we are able to ship to.
    The laws differ in each state. With the advent of credit cards and Fed-Ex shipping, it would be ideal if eventually all the states came to a concensus and allowed shipping across the board. At least to individuals. The taxes are collected in the state of origination, and nothing ships without being subject to the Liquor Enforcement Tax of our state. Some people still expect not to be charged that tax, since they are out of state, but it is different from sales tax, and that is always made clear. Great article. Nice to know what Missouri is doing.

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