Midwest Wine Press Blog

Geddy Lee: Grapes of Rush

Geddy Lee: Grapes of Rush

We usually don’t copy other publication’s headlines, but the header from Samaritan Mag about the wine loving front man for the rock band Rush is a classic.  It’s also a good article about Grapes...

Michigan Direct Shipping Laws Conufusing

Michigan Direct Shipping Laws Conufusing

John Wilson of Winestyr in Chicago wrote about Michigan’s oft misunderstood direct shipping laws in a recent story on mlive:  http://www.mlive.com/business/index.ssf/2012/07/guest_column_rules_on_wine_shi.html

WSJ:  Are 6,027 Wineries Too Many?

WSJ: Are 6,027 Wineries Too Many?

The Wall Street Journal has become an unlikely source of interesting wine journalism.  (If you can stomach reading a Rupert Murdoch publication.)  In a recent story,  Charles Passy talks about wine from beyond “America’s...

Sip of Michigan Helps First Step

Drink Michigan, an organization founded by Audrey Walker and Trisha Verma to promote Michigan wine and spirits, held its third annual Sip of Michigan on July 13th.  The event was held again at the Rattlesnake...