Midwest’s Biggest Wine Tweeters in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula
Research by geographers based in the United States and the United Kingdom suggests that the Midwest’s biggest wine drinkers could live in the Upper Peninsular area of Michigan. The geographers used what they call “an ongoing research project that archives every geocoded tweet in the world” (wow, every tweet in the world! NSA eat your heart out!). Between June 2012 and May 2013 they monitored tweets that contained either the keyword ‘beer’ or ‘wine.’ According to a map showing the concentration of tweets, the Midwest’s tweeters generally tweet about beer, but a patch of Upper Peninsular Michigan has a concentration of wine tweeters. Tweets from Minnesota, Wisconsin, Missouri and Illinois suggest a number of tweeters there like both beer and wine. For a map of the research, click here. For an abstract about the research, see, Offline Brews and Online Views: Exploring the Geography of Beer Tweets, on the geographers’ Floating Sheep website.